
Hey ya’ll! I’m a rather blunt person and I tell it how it is. This is my website. In the event that you do not like what I have to say, you can easily continue to surf on. It will not hurt my feelings one single bit!

I grew up out in the sticks, at the foothills of “the middle of nowhere”. A few things were instilled in me that I will never forget. Always be respectful to a lady, never tell a lie, always be truthful, a man’s word is his bond, always do right by others, respect is earned and not freely handed out. And lastly, an eye for an eye!

I grew up on a farm, there weren’t a whole lot of time for messin’ around. I learned about hard work at a very young age. I knew by the time I was 16y/o that I wanted to join the military. My father supported me and my decision. Because he know that I wanted something more for myself. He always told me that I should stand up for what I believe in, so I did. Through my time in the military, I learned that there are way too much politics controlling too many aspects of our lives. Our lives are being controlled in such high up levels that some may not even see it, or care to open their eyes enough to care enough to stand up and do anything about it.

I am all about family. I live, breathe, eat and sleep family values, honor and traditions. I wanted to have a place that anyone of my family members and/or friends could come and share what ever is on their mind. Keep in mind, I am not a politically correct person. Nor do I care to be. I’ve always been taught to say what I think should I believe something to be wrong. Being in the military has taught me tact, I was also taught that there is a time and place for everything. Never you worry though; here in this place, I say whatever may be on my mind at the time. And if you don’t like it, there’s a trillion other websites that can be easily surfed to in seconds.

I really do hope that ya’ll enjoy my site!

Thanks Ya’ll,

Anthony “Tank” Hall
Pasab '09

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